Humanized Leadership

how to lead by integrating the awareness that each person is regarded as full-blown individual, with valued mental states that exist in a social context

Paul Mwangi Gichia Paul Mwangi Gichia

Building Deep Trust: Transform Business with Proactive & Value-Driven Talent

In S4E6, Dr. Keith Keating joins us at the @MAGICademy Podcast. He is an author and a learning advisor who’s passionate about encouraging and empowering people to take control of their futures by truly learning how to learn. We talk about his recent book, “The Trusted Learning Advisor” and his views on formal education, which require a change since they don’t provide the right tools for talents to fully develop their potential and be the figure the business needs them to be.

Dr. Keith shares some insight into business strategy; the pivoting from its business without a clear goal to what the Innovation Lab is now; and some other stories about learning and analyzing the potential and gaps in businesses, which invite reflection on how we, as professionals in the modern business environment, need to properly develop our talents and our company culture.

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