Research Methods
MAGICademy harnesses a mix of qualitative & quantitative research methods.
Podcast as Qualitative Approach
Through in-depth interviews with selected leaders (entrepreneurs, coaches, keynotes, researchers, artists, etc.) from interdisciplinary spaces, MAGICademy harnesses podcasting as a qualitative research method to co-explore approaches to re-awaken childlike wonders in leaders.
This approach allows for the exploration of complex topics such as neuroarts, learning science, humanized leadership, and bio-cultural technology, creating a rich tapestry of perspectives that inform the understanding of wonder-making leadership.
Neuroarts studies how art and aesthetic experiences affect the brain, body, and behavior
Humanized leadership studies how to lead by integrating the awareness that each person is regarded as full-blown individual, with valued mental states that exist in a social context
Bio-Cultural technology studies how biological and cultural factors influence human behavior and technology
Learning science studies how people learn and teach
Experience Measurements as Quantitative Approach
Leveraging quantitative metrics combining advanced neuro-bio and specialized metrics (Such as MAGIC Index). This multifaceted approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of the impact of curated XR experiences, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR).