Humanized Leadership

how to lead by integrating the awareness that each person is regarded as full-blown individual, with valued mental states that exist in a social context

Paul Mwangi Gichia Paul Mwangi Gichia

Space as Teacher: The Hidden Language of Authentic Connection

Welcome to S5E8 of the @MAGICademy Podcast! Today we welcome Lorenz Sell as a guest for the show. Lorenz is a notable engineer recognized for his contributions to the electrical and mechanical systems fields, and building spaces and software to advance and help human connections. The developer side of this business is not often looked at, and he drops by the show to talk long and hard about human connections, spaces, and peace. Especially what these concepts mean and how we are supposed to see and live our life experiences to find meaning in them.

In this episode, we discuss the importance of spaces for heartfelt conversations and authentic human connections, the emotional quality of relationships, vulnerability and the importance of feeling seen and felt, the role of new technology in relational spaces, and much more!

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Jiani Wu Jiani Wu

Playful Wisdom: Zen, Childhood, and the Creative Spirit

💕 #MAGICademy S3E6, we had the great pleasure of meeting @Kouji Miki, founder of @Zen 2.0 to discover how Zenful meditation helps clear mental clutter to foster deep awareness, creativity, and true innovation by encouraging focused non-judgmental thinking. We'll also dive into how revisiting childhood memories helps uncover our innate passions and talents, guiding us toward a more authentic purpose, or Ikigai.

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