Humanized Leadership

how to lead by integrating the awareness that each person is regarded as full-blown individual, with valued mental states that exist in a social context

Humanized Leadershp, leadership Paul Mwangi Gichia Humanized Leadershp, leadership Paul Mwangi Gichia

Beyond Command: The Architecture of Generative Leadership

On S5E10 of the @MAGICademy Podcast, we give a warm welcome to Robert Dunham! Bob is an expert in leadership development and founder of the Institute for Generative Leadership (IGL). We had an amazing conversation about generative leadership and what it truly means, how it generates positive things in our lives, and what motivates us and connects us as humans. 

According to Bob, we’re in a constant state of generation, whether they may be positive or negative. In this episode, we discuss how to focus our efforts on generating good for ourselves and others, how to reframe our way of thinking and open up to new possibilities, how to foster confidence in ourselves and our teams, and much more. 

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