Dr. Jiani Wu

A Journey from Light to Darkness to Light to Embrace the Magic Within

In the quiet & warm corners of the soul, where doubt and wonder collide, there exists a space—a luminous ball of light cradled in the infinite darkness. This is where Magicademy was born.

Chapter 1: The Peaceful Childhood

The story begins in a sun-drenched village in China, life was simple and good as I spent my life with my grandparents, while my parents chased intellectual adventures in NagoyaJapan. You would find my mother in her frost-rimmed lab, discovering secrets from plant DNA, and my father mastering media production and the poetry of sushi making.

My mother was busy and my dad would come back to see me from time to time. One evening, I asked my dad, “Where is mom?“ He looked at me and then raised his head looking deep into the distance. He pointed to the sky and said, “If you miss her, you can talk to the stars.“ I appreciate his poetic way to approach challenging questions from a kid.

Life then was slow and beautiful, filled with abundant time for play.

After school, I would rally around friends in the neighborhood to play together, doing role plays, building a world of mud pies, painting with watercolors, listening to crickets’ masterful “concerts,” chasing fireflies, and at the end of the year, working hard to program a new year’s gala to invite uncles and aunties to “voluntarily“ be the audience. They usually enjoyed the show very much, because I saw them laughing very hard.

Time flied like a unicorn, high and wide with rainbow colors…

One evening, I was playing with my auntie and caught a glimpse of an elegant woman when she walked into the house. My auntie told me to say hi, and for some mysterious reason, I said, “Hello auntie~“

Guilt-ridden, my parents returned a few months afterward. We moved to Suzhou, a city of canals, pagodas, stone bridges, and lots of silk.