Season 5

Episode 1 (est. air time: 12/13/2024 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, edited, and published)

AI Literacy Framework: Cultivating Future-Ready Leaders

Guest: Stella Lee, Director @ Paradox Learning

Episode 2 (est. air time: 12/20/2024 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, edited, and published)

Firewalls & Firefighting: Immersive Training for High-risk Professions

Guest: Evan Sitler-Bates, Founder @ XpertVR

Episode 3 (est. air time: 12/27/2024 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, edited, and published)

Confetti! The Power of Micro Celebration

Guest: Jelena Aleksich, Founder @ Confetti Project

Episode 4 (est. air time: 1/3/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, edited, and published)

Mindful Movement for Desk Warriors: Boost Focus and Resilience

Guest: Lisa Cannata, Solution Architect @ Blanchard

Episode 5 (est. air time: 1/10/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, editing, and published)

Radical Emotional Intelligence: The Cornerstone Intelligence of Future Leaders

Guest: Britt Andreatta, PhD, Brain Science

Episode 6 (est. air time: 1/24/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, editing, and published)

Buliding a Sustainable Company Culture through the Magic of Awe

Guest: Megan Powell Cuzzolino, Project Director | Educational Researcher

Episode 7 (est. air time: 1/24/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, editing, and published)

Scent of Serenity: Mastering the Stress Olympics through Multisensory Healing

Guest: Sarah Hill, Founder @ Healium

Episode 8 (est. air time: 1/31/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, editing, and published)

Space as Teacher: The Hidden Language of Authentic Connection

Guest: Lorenz Sell, Co-Founder at Sutra

Episode 9 (est. air time: 2/7/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, editing, and Delayed)

Metadelics: Unlocking Wonderland Within through Plant Medicine & Immersive Technologies

Guest: Simeone Scaramozzino, Neuroaesthetic Artist and Trauma-Informed Space Holder

*Collaborating toward a bigger scope project

Episode 10 (est. air time: 2/14/2025 Friday @7:00am EST) (Status: Recorded, editing)

The WE Space: Co-create Future through Generative Leadership

Guest: Bob (Robert) Dunham, Founder @ Institute for Generative Leadership